Friday, May 21, 2010


I have just received my first order of brand new Tupperware*! No more moths in my flour! (although maybe moths show I don't bake much.)

Nothing spectacular, just a basic set of pantry storage. It is really hideously expensive, but since moving out of home I have been given and have bought a few different types of food storage containers. Decor is all right, but it isn't 100% leakproof and air-tight. The few random Tupperware bits I have I use all the time. The price per use with Tupperware is pretty good, because I use it so much and it lasts so long (lifetime replacement). So I have decided, after over a year's thought, to finally buy some. If I am ever going to buy it, I should buy it soon so that I get the most value out of it in my lifetime. Soon I will have lovely organised matching air-tight food storage! It warms the cockles of my pantry.

* Purchasing Tupperware, by the way, is a coming of age experience. It is so much more significant than just pantry organising. It is like wearing make-up, or getting your full license. It is often accompanied by the congratulations and envy of all your friends.


  1. You thought about it for a year?!

    I think this post deserves the label Jessenomics :)

  2. Yes, this is a serious investment.
