Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tree falling in a forest

If you have a fringe that covers your eyebrows, do you still need to keep your eyebrows groomed?


  1. You groom your eyebrows??? It would never have occurred to me to ever do so!

  2. Perfect post, Elsie. Just perfect. One of our best.

    To answer your Q, do whatever. Try without and see. I don't notice other people's brows much. I only notice mine, and my brother who has a mono.

    To answer Karen, yes. If I had to choose between no eyebrow maintenance and not shaving my legs, I would go hairy-legged and tidy-browed.

  3. Hmmm. it depends on how nice your natural eyebrows are! Are you happy for them to go natural? Are you sure that your fringe will cover your eyebrows all the time??!
    I suppose it depends on how it makes you feel. Could you ask a similar question of how often you shave your legs in winter...if they are always covered by jeans/pants?
