Monday, February 15, 2010

Never okay

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say to men, it's NEVER okay to go running in just a singlet and your budgie smugglers unless:

1. you are currently competing in an Iron Man competition (or similar) and that's what all the competitors are doing or

2. crocodiles just ripped off your shorts and you are running for your life.

Put on a pair of shorts! Think about the rest of society that has to see you running! How hard is it?!


  1. i just love this ad from NZ (they played it at an NTE seminar a couple of years ago and I totally can't remember why but I remember the ad!)

  2. if you're just going to wear budgie-smugglers, why would you bother with the singlet?

  3. Following in this line of thought, here is a great little pie chart about budgie-smugglers
