Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Underrated: library books.

I have recently discovered the non-fiction section of the library. Or at least, I have discovered it for the purpose of reading for pleasure, rather than being forced to use it for studies. Non-fiction books are very interesting. You can learn stuff about the Real World, which is an even more complex, interesting and confronting place than the worlds of fiction books. You can find out Actual History, rather than the smooshed up versions you learn from movies. There are books about money, art, religion, food, health, politics—how very useful!

Books are often expensive to buy and take up a lot of space in the house, but libraries are free, and have quite a lot of good books in them. Browsing in a bookshop is fun, but browsing in a library is better because you can take any book you like, for free, and when you are finished you can get rid of it. You get the experience without the price of possession.


  1. :) I have an underrated that I thought of the other day.. but right now, I can't remember what it is!!! will tell you when I find my memory.

  2. You speak much truth, Jess, but sadly some are slovenly in returning of books and as such, can no longer approach the library.

  3. I love library books! Just borrowed one actually. What I do is I go to the bookshops to check out their top 50 & then get it from the library for free! :D
