Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Creepy, even for facebook.

I really wonder about facebook. How does it know stuff? It wants me to confirm my location in photo albums several years old. The one with Melbourne in the title is a bit of a giveaway, but what's with Coona? I mention lots of other country towns in that album but not actually Coonabarrabran. I'm pretty sure I was offline that whole week so wouldn't have mentioned Coona in a status (although I can't be bothered searching back my statuses to confirm). HOW DOES IT KNOW?? And I'm really not going to confirm it, thanks.


  1. There's a few ways to do it: if you were using a smartphone, then it has a bunch of ways of telling where you were, and embedding them in the image code for software to reference.

    If it wasn't a smartphone, that's trickier, but maybe you tagged someone who mentioned where they were on a given date? maybe you logged in to FB while you were away, and it noted that?

    Agreed, it seems a little too familiar of FB.

  2. It was a bottom of the range camera, so I doubt there was any metadata. Possibly was tagged friends giving it away. I googled and others are wondering how too.
