"One of the most interesting results was part of a study my students and I conducted dealing with status in email correspondence. Basically, we discovered that in any interaction, the person with the higher status uses I-words less (yes, less) than people who are low in status." --James Pennebaker
No, it's bad taste. Also, it wouldn't impress you very much, although I enjoyed receiving them. My gifts included a tiny one-egg frying pan, my youngest sister made me some 'weekend pants', and a big luggage—the vintage honeymoon suitcase is retiring: the trip to Mudgee was exhausting for a suitcase with no wheels.
Also, from Grandma, the 2009 CWA cook book. I feel a challenge could be made from it, specifically, the sandwich recipes. There are so many sandwich recipes. I could have a different sandwich every week! Though even I, a firm believer in the truth that you can put ANYTHING between bread and enjoy it, am doubtful that I want to eat some of these sandwiches. Eventually I would have to buy tongue. I think the strangest sandwich is the "Mock Oyster Sandwich", which does not include oysters, obviously, but unobviously includes "2 sets of lambs brains". That is taking resourcefulness to the EXTREME.
But, a 'CWA Sandwich Challenge' is calling me. Would anyone like to partake? I can post the ingredients of a sandwich every week, and away we go. Or I could do it and you could just watch me.
While here in Tokyo, I'm still adjusting to prices in yen. If I want a quick evaluation of a price, I've started "benchmarking" prices e.g. "That diary costs more than my lunch!" or "Woah, that handbag costs more than 3 nights accommodation!"
Funny how most of the blogs I read have been paused for the holidays while the bloggers recharge their creative juices, but here at jelssie we are still over-flowing with the usual rubbish. Energy levels soar with Christmas snack food intake.
I feel like saying a few things about TV.
FIrstly, how much does off-season suck. Why do I have to watch re-runs of The Mentalist when there are new episodes on the other side of the world? Why is off-season so long? And it's not like on-season has that much better quality. And this year summer has been wet so in weather terms we should still be in on-season. I'm not going to the beach every evening, I'm home in front of the TV.
I've noticed in the last week on ABC1 three new newsreader ladies. Only one is blonde, and she has an interesting face with a crooked mouth, actually a little bit like Elliot from Scrubs. The other two are dark haired, in fact "ethnically diverse" in appearance, but with Australian accents. I like them all! I can't choose!
ABC2 plays David Mitchell's Soapbox. I love him. In this one he gets right to the heart of the baby name issue.
Seven2 is such a waste of time. I have decided to never check that channel ever again because it's always lame.
The various channel 9s used to always have Big Bang Theory during prime time, but lately they haven't. This is a sad regression. Replacing 2.5 men with BBT was the best thing 9 ever did, along with buying Sherlock and The Mentalist, because until then I had never watched 9 at all. I'm looking forward to new Sherlock, esp to see how they resolved the cliff-hanger.
And lastly, have you ever thought about staples? They are amazing, because they are made from metal, but they are sort of stuck together, but only stuck together exactly the right amount so that they can be broken off individually in the stapler. So amazing.
"Everything I do today seems to have a bit of a jelssie internal monologue going along with it." - Bec
"Can you put me on the bit where people said stuff about jelssie?!" - Christine
"I've heard of it" - Bryan
"It's worrying how much we learn from Jelssie! ;)" - Jess J
"Raises the word vacuous to a whole new level." - Ian
"Brilliant" - Sophia
"I've been reading it from time to time" - David
"I have a confession to make. I've been stalking jelssie" - Felix
"It educates/amuses/entertains me very much" - Hui Yee
"I heart jelssie" - Ben
"With 300+ blogposts to catch up on, but so little time, what does he read? http://jelssie.blogspot.com of course" - Doug
"It's like the highlight of my life. Please!" - Georgina
"Jelssie is my favourite blog, and I don't even really read blogs" - Em
"You wont get anything less than the big issues here" - Anna
"I haven't read it in a while" - Ben
Jess and Elsie have many things in common:
Jesus adventures in orthodontics 31 mutual facebook friends respect for the rules of Trinny and Susannah the Kingsford ghetto profound thoughts banananomics Jillian Michaels workout DVDs