Thursday, July 23, 2009

Zombies v Sea Monster (Regency Style).

I have for some time been aware of the existence of the book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I have skimmed through it in the shop, and it looks very clever. But I dont know whether I want to read it or not! I have been wondering if it would ruin the real thing. Plus, the real thing is cheaper than this joke book, which in my opinion devalues literature. I was thinking I would wait for the movie.

Then yesterday on Austenblog I saw a trailer for a follow-up novel, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. I don't know how to embed videos but go and have a look if it interests you. Here is a sample illustration.


  1. speaking of austen,
    did you get to see that when u were in melbourne. unforutnately we ran out of time, but I wanted to. btw, if you would like to borrow the annotated pride and prejudice, you are vewy welcome to.

  2. I'm devastated I missed it! I didn't know! It will be gone before I have a chance to go back to Melbourne :( :( :(

  3. Jess, lets go to Melbourne for a weekend together for this exhibition! We could take Friday off or something!! I think I have TAFE hols in October.

  4. @Jess: You little liar, I told you about that exhibition!

  5. heheh I wanna go to. to see Austen!!

  6. @/Karen/, I honestly didn't remember!

    I do know that there is a Jane Austen Festival coming up soon, it's in Canberra next year. There will be costumes and dancing.
