Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to get in and out of a car in a pencil skirt

I fancied an expensive brand name denim pencil and was delighted to find a satisfactory one at K-Mart for $15. Wearing it reminded me how some skirts can restrict your ROM (range of movement), especially as I tried to get in and out of my car. Then I recalled a bit of a tele-movie/mini series on the late Diana, Princess of Wales. There was a scene where she was instructed on how to get in and out of a car in a lady-like fashion.

So, when you wear a pencil skirt or other items that restrict your ROM, try getting in and out of a car like this:

Getting in: get in butt first. Stick your butt in, sit on the seat, then swing your legs in, closed together.

Getting out: swing your legs out, closed together, and then climb out.

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