Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Jelssie is about many things, but our teeth are pretty up there. So here is an update on my wisdom teeth, before I move on to other things like Jane Austen, dresses, and food.

I was hoping to have 3 wisdom teeth removed today. I had prepared the soup, the ice-pack, washed my hair and cleared my schedule, so that all I had to do was lie in bed feeling puffy. All these plans fell through.

One of my wisdom teeth is standing right on top of the big nerve canal, as you can see in that Xray, so my dentist wouldn't pull it out (due to risk of permanent facial numbness). The other 2 are straightforward but I didn't want to do half the job now and half later so I just got my teeth cleaned and went back to work.

In the short term, yay, I'm not in pain at the moment. Church camp will be funner this weekend.

But in the absence of pain I prefer to focus on other irritations, like how it will cost more to go to an expensively qualified Oral Surgeon, and it is at least another month of delay in the whole getting braces process, and now I have to eat soup for no reason.

All that preparation for nothing. Rant over.


  1. I also like to wash my hair for dentists! Another thing we have in common :D They get right into my face, don't want stinky hair to put them off :P

  2. By the way, your comment "Jelssie is about many things, but our teeth are pretty up there " cracked me up real good. So true!

  3. Elsie, shouldn't you more worried about your breath with dentists...?
