Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thinking of names.

I sometimes wish I had spent more time thinking up the name for this blog, instead of putting Jess and Elsie together. It works because we are similar people, that was the original point. But it's a pretty dull name on it's own, and it has to be spelt with 2 Ss. But names that mean something lose their cool after a while, so a name that means nothing is probably a better place to start. I just still think we could have done better than jelssie.

Anyway, today I was trying to think up a name for a society of people who have lived in Kennedy St (I stole the idea, but there are a lot of us, we deserve a name) and I found a random name generator for cults and secret societies! awesome! I could play with it all day! Here are my favourites so far.

The Immovable Samurais of the Eternities
The Chosen Students of the Rosy Crafts
The Psionic Community of the Wyrms
The Sodality of the Swamp
The Community of the Deep Gentlemen
The Quorum of Crowned Catchpolls
The Loyal Swarm of Chevaliers
The Company of the Fiendish Ark
The Fellowship of the Unfathomable Academy
The Quintal Elects of St. Agabius
The Alliance of the Invisible Pestilence

1 comment:

  1. Nah I disagree, all names get boring after a bit and Jelssie is easier to remember and spell.
    BUT, I like the Alliance of the Invisible Pestilence
