Friday, June 11, 2010

Memory Verses.

Bible memorising is an excellent thing. It can require work to learn big chunks properly—a lot of repetition. But I've found that I can remember quite a lot of small fragments just through familiarity, key verses which come up a lot in Christian contexts and have put themselves in my brain with no effort at all. And why not, pop songs* and funny lines** from TV shows get into my head all by themselves, so why not the bible, if I expose myself to it enough? It should come naturally, not just be some big thing that super-memorisers do. Like walking every day, even if you aren't representing Australia at the Olympics for power-walking.

The ESV online bible was released a little while ago, and I don't have an iphone so I'm not going to use it as a bible I can access anywhere, but it is very useful in many ways. I have made it my homepage and set it to open at the memory truth section. This page opens with a verse or two, and every little while it progresses to the next verse, so that you can re-read a small, easily digestible bit of scripture regularly and build it into a larger memory verse. Also, you can listen to someone read it, and ears are a faster way to the memory bank than eyes.

* "Hello hello again, she-boom and hopin' we meet again."
** "I don't belong here! I'm baldING! Why does nobody honour the ding!?"


  1. I've noticed a lot of the memory verses I know are thanks to Colin Buchanan.

  2. I have a lot of Plainsong, too. But most of mine are actually from being homeschooled :p
