Friday, June 14, 2013

Cost per wear app.

It exists! Bec found it for me! For iPhone only, so it looks piddly on my iPad. I spent some time systematically photographing my clothes. Once I had half my clothes on my camera I imported them onto the iPad then into the app. The fiddly part is then labelling each item and recording the price (I've forgotten some of the prices and anything I've made is a bit of a guess). Clothes can be grouped in categories like skirts, work clothes, winter, handmade, whatever you want. You can also build outfits, and I am currently doing a set of outfits called 'Work - Winter'. These are my WW outfits, for example.

Then there is the calendar section. You can drop your clothes in each day, and it records it. So you never wear the same clothes to church 2 weeks in a row! And if you haven't worn something in a year, you've got proof you no longer need it! And then, the highlight for me is that when you look at a piece of clothing in the calendar it tells you how many times you have worn it and the Cost Per Wear.

There are other apps that have prettier interfaces, particularly ones that allow you to remove the background from the photos. But they are more about building outfits and sharing them on facebook, not about the serious jessenomics of CPW. Since in this app the photos all have their background, I think a nice plain background makes things a lot prettier. I stuck a suction hook on the wall and hung everything on a hanger. Laying things on the floor on a white sheet would also be good. So it is a couple of ours of fiddling around to get your whole wardrobe into the app, but it's kind of fun.

I've had a good 6 months of clothes shopping since my ban ended, and my wardrobe is full again, so I'm stopping shopping again, and will focus on using this app to get price per wear down and also remind myself of the clothes I already own. The only thing that saddens me is that I don't know how many times I've already worn things, so I will only have accurate CPW on my new clothes.

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