Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday Food for Thought.

Here is the food part:
  • I usually fail when trying to split my IGA brand scotch finger biscuit. Either 2 handed, or across the back of the middle finger on one hand. I think it can only be done if you have 4 thumbs.
  • Kit Kat rows are similarly badly designed. The chocolate rarely breaks in the gutter, it usually breaks off the side of the next finger, leaving unsightly exposed wafer.
  • I keep buying 2L of milk with only 2 days left till expiry. But my stupidity is matched only by my resourcefulness. I recently found out (by experience, again due to expiry ignorance) that milk can be drunk at least 5 days past the expiry. Also, my $60 grocery challenged forced me to freeze milk. It defrosts OK.
In other news, I'm at the point where I wonder if I'm watching too much telly. But there are so many episodes of Big Bang Theory on! Sometimes on 2 channels at once! Is there such a thing as too much Jim Parsons? Look what I found today. BBT minus laughter. It's kind of weird, and the bleak pauses remind me of Garfield Minus Garfield.

And this is current affairs: Debt Crisis for Dummies. This is a nifty visual representation of Europe's debt. You click on a country and see where it owes money. Then you click on the country that holds the debt and see where IT owes money. Then you click on THAT country… I wouldn't say it explains the situation though, "because why the heck?" is still the unanswered question. But I guess it's like when people pay off credit cards with other credit cards.

And that's pretty much everything! Go forth and have a rock n roll weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I find breaking them (scotch finger/ kit kat) on the edge of a table works.
