Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chocolate | Cheese.

My latest "Eat Less Chocolate" rule is not to buy blocks of chocolate any more. It's a fairly easy rule to follow. I can buy a single chocolate bar if I want one, but not 200g. Its a good system actually. I applied it to chips as well, when I had such a strong craving one night that I had to walk up to the shops, but I only bought a single serve package, not a big bag. Got my monthly chip hit, no leftovers to eat the next night.

Maybe as a result, or a distraction, from eating less chocolate, I seem to have swapped chocolate for cheese. There are so many nice cheeses! A square inch of cheese goes a lot further than a square inch of chocolate, so hopefully I am eating less fat overall. Possibly.

I am currently enamoured of the packaging of this new brand of cheese, Great Ocean Road. It really stands out on the supermarket shelf. It's just a sandwich cheese, not a fun cheese, but it looks special. 

The other cheese there is a fancy one, it is balls of fetta covered in dukka and swimming in olive oil. Goes well with bread and grilled vegetables and olives.


  1. I have 2 blocks of cheese in the work fridge. I find it better to have those little snacky thigns at work - I think its cos I'm home less and I usually tend to eat as a distraction at work - better than chocoalte biscuits I figured. I don't really keep chocolate around - I do have al lot of it, but go through phases of consumption - it did help that as kids we had a no lollies/chocolate rule. Reading is my thing, it keeps me up.

  2. I justr ealised most of this post made no sense.
    less snacks at home, I tend to have my snack fix at work as I find it harder to get through the day than I do the nights wihtout food.
    I also live very close to the shops so I guess that's why.
