Monday, February 13, 2012

Flatmate reality/TV.

Elsie came over recently and we watched the episodes of New Girl that I taped. Elsie made a very apt comment: "Why do TV people always socialise with their flatmates? Who actually does that?". Good question. It looks so normal on TV, and I did aspire to it myself, in my naivety, but I can't say I've experienced it. I share a flat with flatmates, I share friendships with friends, and there is very little overlap. I think because all my flatmates have been temporary relationships of convenience. But friendships don't have those clauses.


  1. The same thing could be said of workplace dramas/sitcoms; I think they give me unrealistic expectations of what my relationships with my colleagues should be like.

  2. fascinating. I've never had a flatmate, but I always imagined that it would be a little like a sitcom.

    For me, uni was the big anticlimax. Everyone talks about all the friends they made at uni, and 'college' life always seemed so social. That was not my experience at all.

  3. Now you mention it, same for me, Soph. I always thought I missed out on the uni social experience somewhat because I lived and churched at home away from campus, and didn't feel a part of "the close", as it was aptly called. I don't think I aspire to anything TV-cool with work though. Each job has just had a sense of relief that I fit in. Although possibly tinged with disappointment that there is never anyone to flirt with, like they do on TV, if I was the flirting sort. A Jim Halpert.
