Friday, February 22, 2013

Anticipation sequence start.

I think anticipation good. I don't think it precludes enjoying the moment. At Bible study we talked about how its unwise to think that "I'll only be happy when I get married" or "when my braces come off" or "when the kids are all at school". I don't think that IS anticipation though, I think that's just being discontented and comparing your current state to an unknown future state. That's different. To me, anticipation is when knowing that something nice is coming up later makes you happy now. It's drawing enjoyment towards yourself, not resenting the lack of it. The flip side is, knowing something bad is coming up makes me unhappy now. And obviously if the nice thing doesn't happen, it's disappointing. But I try and work it to my advantage. The anticipation of braces failed, but I can look around and find something else to anticipate. I've just booked my winter holiday, for example. It's not like I'm going to be miserable for the next 4 months. Writing flights in my diary makes me happy now, thinking about the happies of July.