Thursday, February 14, 2013

Actually celebrating Valentine's Day!

This year I wanted to spread some happy and participate in the "holiday" in a genuine yet non-commercial way. I really wanted write personalised poems and do nice cards for people at work, like Katy did in What Katy Did. But poetry is hard. I tried the lazy option and tried to google some poetry, but no results. Finally yesterday, plotting with H about how to distribute Lindt balls most effectively, I thought that all we have to do is write "Roses are red, violets are blue" and then 2 short lines, for each person. On a pink heart stapled to a chocolate. For example, mine is

Roses are red
Rhyming is stupid
Orthodontists are cruel
Yay chocolate

H got
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Verisimilitude is cool
And you’re decent enough

S got
Roses are red
Nerds are cool
Waistcoats are awesome
And so are you

M got
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
Your backpack’s very big, isn’t it?

And so on. Some were sweet, some were in-jokes, depending on the person. I'm pretty proud of us. It's a fun way to do Valentines as a single person and it's not about being bitter or anti-commercialization. Even if a "holiday" is stupid, an affectionate gesture isn't, and it's nice not to be left out.

1 comment:

  1. That's so lovely! A girl at work gave my team secret valentine treats via internal mail, but we all know it was from her :) She was so sweet :)
