Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Design nerdery.

I had some spare time today, and since I've been feeling uninspired about stuff I make, I thought I'd try and recharge my design juices before I start any new projects. 

Adobe kuler is a web application for choosing colours. I love it. I realised today that I need to break out of my habitual colours and get some structured palettes happening, googled and found it: a fun way of getting a 5 colour palette. You can spin a wheel or upload an image, and when you have a set it how you like, download it and import it as swatches into InDesign—instant colour scheme! This is a colour scheme from my crochet work:

Stumbled over this article at a font foundry website. This makes me feel sort of depressed. I'm not super expert at typography, so I'm going to try and memorise this page. If only fonts weren't so jolly expensive.

Pinterest is my new favourite internet thing. It's very girly, lots of pictures of cupcakes and hipster home decoration stuff, and it's really useful. You set up virtual pinboards, and when you come across an image (or product or idea) on the web anywhere, you pin it to one of your boards. So they are visual bookmarks, and I'm forming idea palettes. Nice bits of design will go there.

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