Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Banana Guards, do-doo do-do-dooh!

I had planned to post the epic story of how the crow flew into my head, but this afternoon Karen delivered my order of Banana Guards!!!

This is one of the best pieces of design ever! They make me laugh, AND they protect my bananas from being squashed in my bag!


  1. Oh yeah, those are my braces! And that is the dress! The perfect photos.

  2. Braces! Dress! And...good Lord!!!! How many banana guards does one girl need?!

    Okay that's enough exclaiming from me.

  3. I was thinking that that many banana guards deserved a photo! Woohoo!

  4. What are they for exactly? Just so I know if I've got this right...

  5. They are pretty self-explanatory. They look like what they are, a perfect example of form following function! You keep a banana in one, so you can carry it around without it getting squashed. You also laugh at it.
