Thursday, July 25, 2013

Some observations on gossip

  • Even if you've never struggled with gossip, once you become part of a culture that is embedded with gossip, it can be hard not to get sucked in.
  • Gossip can be used to build relationships (not saying that it's right, but just saying that's an effect).
  • Gossip can be a way of showing-off, "Look at me! I have this secret knowledge that no-one else knows" or "I heard this first, before anyone else!" or "I'm special/powerful because I know this"
  • Never say anything about anyone that you wouldn't say to his or her face, or be willing to have published with your name.
  • Verify information before sharing. None of this, "I heard..." business.
  • God is able to forgive and reform a gossiper
Any other thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. This is totally on the ball. Gossip is obvious when its a whispered "did you hear". It's sometimes just as hurtful when it's a funny anecdote, and funny anecdotes are a good part of conversation skills.
