Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gift giving.

I don't get too worked up about it. I buy for my immediate family, which isn't too hard, and I give to others depending if I find something or not, Christmas or birthdays. You might get an amazing hand-made card with Miss Bennet drawn sitting at a bay window looking through the carefully cut out panes, you might get a banana guard (I still have 3), you might get a vintage sewing machine, you might get a crocheted hand towel from a market, you might get nothing. Hopefully it all evens out over time. I'd rather give something interesting or nothing at all, rather than rush around in a panic or buy something token.


  1. Yeah. More of it.

    Do you offend many people?

  2. Don't think so. It works well in my circle of friends. I've churned out some sewing this year, and hand-made things are always lovely. If I don't have anything handy, your turn comes next time.
