Rachel Khoo. This girl has great style. |
- Copy someone. Rachel Khoo, or Sheldon Cooper, or Zoe Hart, or Sherlock Holmes, or Clara Oswald, or an actual person you know, or a blogger. Be realistic, though. I'm not going to successfully copy Taylor Swift. But imitation is an excellent shortcut to success. It's just about vision, really. And it'll be different because it's on you.
- Pick one colour, any colour, and dress in it. Dye your hair in it. Everyone knows The Purple Lady. I'm not bold enough but I admire her spirit and it must make life VERY easy, re shopping and matching outfits.
- Pick a couple of colours that go together and stick with them, eg navy blue, grey and white. I've tried this when packing for holidays and it's brilliant. Just packed blueish things. So easy to get dressed. But I'm too fickle to ban the majority of colours from my life. I even have yellow! Although I have banned pastels.
- Pick a neutral colour and wear a fair bit of it amongst your other fickle colour choices. Black or grey or white or navy etc ties a broad palette together and makes bright colours POP.
- Pick a shop. Shops tend to have a consistant style. Millers. Khatmandu. Cue. Tree of Life. I used to rely on Colorado. Life was simpler then.
It really makes it easier to be put clothes on if you know what you're trying to look like, and it makes you shop with discrimination.
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