Monday, July 18, 2011

End of a magical era.

I'm going to see HP7b tomorrow!!!

A few things strike me about the grown-up kids of Harry Potter.
  1. Emma Watson is lovely. She has so much poise. 
  2. The boys could have careers getting interesting parts as weird short guys. And they shouldn't be depressed about that, acting a hero is probably one-sided experience of humanity. Ironically, the lad who played Neville Longbottom wouldn't qualify for the dorky roles anymore.
  3. What is that on the front of D-Rad's suit? Is that a male sweater guard?


  1. I prefer Emma Watson as a model rather than an actress. Hope she sticks with Burberry.

  2. I saw the movie last night, the funniest part was Helena Bonham-Carter playing Hermione as Bellatrix. Fantastic!
