Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why saving is bad.

I'm a good saver. I hoard a bit. Sometimes I buy or I'm given things that I perceive as "too good to use". So they become junk and clutter. Which is such a waste! Instead of wearing a nice pair of earrings I keep them safe in their box until they are out of fashion, a total waste of fashion and space. Much better to use them for their purpose and let them really live, until they are lost or broken when I can get rid of them with a sense of satisfaction.


  1. Totally agree. Use it or lose it.

    We gave my mum a small set of Elizabeth Arden purfumes (I dunno when, two years ago?) and I don't know if she's even opened them yet!

  2. Darn! I spelt perfumes incorrectly!
