Friday, March 25, 2011


As many of you know (since I may have blogged this already), I believe in the healthful powers of raw garlic (and cooked garlic—although is is not as potent it is very much more delicious). The best way to eat raw garlic is to chop it up fine and drink it with mouthfuls of water so that it doesn't burn your tongue or create garlic breath. It goes straight down and kills the baddies. Just yesterday I heard a news story about garlic even preventing arthritis!

I've remembered a snippet from my childhood: robot shaped chewable garlic tablets for kids. They were delicious, like lollies. I was a sickly child (God blessed me with large and germ-receptive tonsils) so I got one to take to school each day. While other 7-year-olds had packets of twisties and meuslie bars, I had 2 westons oatmeal biscuits and a garlic tablet. Doesn't this explain a lot.


  1. I was just talking to friend about the chewable robot garlic and echinacea flavoured tablet for kids. i have spent a good 10 minutes trying to convince her that they do exist, and that we used to have midnight feats on them, and packets of raw me-gorang noodles, during our childhood sleepovers. we were singular children. god knows what we did to our digestive systems :-)

  2. Who are you, Bolly Cakes? We had the same childhood ;) Robot garlic tablets, every day. Can't find them on the google at all.
