Thursday, September 2, 2010


Attraction is a funny thing isn't it? I suppose it's what brings people together.

Some people believe in instant attraction and love at first sight. Every now and then I meet someone whom I'm instantly attracted to. But usually I find that when I get to know him better, there's usually not much there to sustain the attraction.

Then there are men whom you're not instantly attracted to, but over time, you get to know his character, his theology, his sense of humour, his personality and one day you find yourself realising what a GREAT catch he is (and if he has fantastic social skills, he's a doubly great catch). Now that's attraction.

So to the single men out there who don't feel they've got it in the instant attraction department, don't worry, it's not the only way to win a woman over. And don't underestimate the power of a disarming smile :)


  1. I was going to think of something funny there, then Wendy said magnets are about polarity. Opposites attract. I went Ahhhh! That's where that comes from!

    Agree, best way to get over a crush is spending time with the crushee. Oh, he burps. Oh, he's being selfish. Oh, he's a bad driver. Reality kills crushes.

  2. we held a seminar on dating on monday and the girls came up with this list of what attracts them.

    Guys who are able to lead them in godliness, intelligent (but not threatened by their intelligence), who they can have a meaningful conversation with, mature & caring, who have a sense of humour.

    Seems simple enough... now where are the guys? :p

  3. Lists are unhelpful, imo. I've decided* that looking for a godly, leadery, carey etc etc etc man is unrealistic. Nobody is a finished work in Christ ready to marry me. Everyone is clumsy and sinful and daggy — as I am. There are always a couple of men around who LOOK like the real thing, but actually they just have some godliness and the rest is charisma. That is not the only recipe for a husband. In fact, there is no recipe. Everyone settles, and trusts God.

    * speaking from personal inexperience.

  4. hahaha. this is so defeatist my dear Jessica... maybe contentment is the word... finding a guy who you can be content with combined with a trust in God's sovereignty perhaps? :P

  5. My attractions usually last for a while. What happens when the more you spend time with them, the more your attraction grows (as opposed to you being turned off)?

    I swear off relationships for a while. hehe
